
own The BEST
in the water refilling
Buying a Crystal Clear franchise can be a quick way to set up your own business without starting from scratch. We offer you the following advantages:
- Your business is based on a proven product. We have been the leader in the water refilling store industry for the past 18 years. And our numerous successful existing franchisees attest to this strength.
- Crystal Clear is strong and respected brand name and trade mark. All our franchisees benefit from all our advertising and promotional campaigns.
- We have a well-established support system – this includes training, help in setting up the business, a manual telling you how to run the business, Local Store Marketing campaigns, technical and maintenance programs and we are ready to be your hands-on consultant.
- Franchisees have exclusive rights in an identified and defined territory. We will not sell to or allow any other franchises in the same area, though there will be competition from other businesses.
- Financing the business is made easier. Crystal Clear is a partner of BPI Family’s Ka Negosyo entrepreneurial financing program. Further, local banks are sometimes more likely to lend money to a franchise with a good reputation.
- Risk is reduced and is shared by the franchiser.
At Crystal Clear, each 5 gallon bottle is reused 55 times before it is finally retired. At the end of the 5 gallons bottle’s useful life, the bottle is recycled as planters for nearby communities as part of the company’s commitment to Luntiang Pilipinas or resold to recycling centers to be grinded and remanufactured into other components.
QUALITY IN EVERY DROP: The Crystal Clear Bottled Water
At Crystal Clear, we are commitment to safety and quality, and this is implemented through several tests and processes during production. Our product water is processed utilizing the same stringent SLX process, passing through at least seven filtration chambers, sterilized and polished via ozonization.
Individual Bottle Control. Highly advanced computer controlled and automated bottle filling lines provide a tight quality control over each single bottle. Each bottle is checked thoroughly and is washed with high pressure sterilizers using antibacterial cleaning agents. Every wash cycle uses our ozonized pure water to ensure that no untreated water will ever touch the bottle. Once the bottle is thoroughly cleaned, it is filled, capped and ready to be delivered for you to enjoy.
Crystal Clear uses only virgin resin PET bottles. We ensure that each bottle is sturdy and resilient to bends, dents and collapse. The cap enclosure we use guarantee’s our sealed-in quality and safety.
We can help grow your business; Crystal Clear offer’s rights to distribute our complete line of bottled water products. Business partnerships can either be limited to distribution of finished bottled water delivered to your warehouse or on-site manufacturing with equipment selected and installed by Crystal Clear.
Entrepreneurs looking to enter bottled water business distribution business or established logistic and distribution companies will benefit from Crystal Clear’s strong brand name and proven quality product. Additionally, our sale professionals can help in identifying and marketing to potential clients.